
LPN100 Is a multi-year project that will help build interest and excitement leading into Lindley Park Neighborhood’s 100 Year Anniversary in 2017. The ultimate goal of the project is to obtained feedback and insight from neighborhood residents on how they would like to see the neighborhood in 50 to 100 years. In other words, how would we, as residents, want to see development evolve over this period. The underlying goal is to leave as wonderful a neighborhood to future residents as was left to us.

To do this LPN 100 will transform 6-8 individual sites around Lindley Park, one at a time and for ONE DAY ONLY, over the next 2.5 Years. The concept of transforming a site for one day is called a “Pop Up.” This concept has been used in both restaurant and retail settings, but recently it has also been used in the Community Development setting. The idea is to take a blighted or underused area and transform it for a day into a place that people would visit and use, a destination. The idea is to give people a vision of what a place could be and not what it is.